Nikhil Vadher


Writing from the heart waiting for my spark,

Trying to understand why my life feels like

I\'m on remand,

Moving like I\'m Q with the Juice in a World

full of Bishops,

Try detain my body but my mind will always

Be free,

They Profile my skin but never chat to me,

One conversation and the world could change,

Thoughts overdose my brain it\'s like I\'m 

drowning in my dreams, 

The world revolves around power, respect, 

and the C.R.E.A.M,

Deadly dosage of reality detrimental to my destiny,

I keep it 100% till the death of me,

My soul still shines even when I\'m conflicted

by the devil,

Fight with me or live the rest of your life in peril,

Dreams fade but the vision stays clear,

Haunted by my guilty memories and cries from

my peers,

Imagine seeing souls crushed behind those 

rivers of tears,

Puts into perspective how life is unfair,

People make an honest living but never get a fair share,

The rich take and the poor get taken,

Hurts my heart to see that no one will bat an eye lid

when an innocent girl is raped and mistaken,

But a Kardashian on the news and the world is shaken...