Tune: Llanfair
(\'Hail the day that sees in Him rise\')
Psalm 98 [Cantate Domino]
Sing to the LORD a new song - Alleluia!
Praise Him all day, all night long - Alleluia
For He has marvellous things - Alleluia
Done, and all unto Him sings - Alleluia
His right hand, His holy arm - Alleluia
Keeps His people free from harm - Alleluia
He has gained the victory - Alleluia
Let all nations here now see - Alleluia
He made known His salvation - Alleluia
Let us praise, joy, elation - Alleluia
His righteousness He has shown - Alleluia
Unto all it be made known - Alleluia
He has His truth remembered - Alleluia
And has His mercy conferred - Alleluia
To His people Israel - Alleluia
Salvation to all earth tell - Alleluia
Make to the LORD noise joyful - Alleluia
All the earth, and on Him call - Alleluia
Make loud noise, rejoice, sing praise - Alleluia
Unto Him through endless days - Alleluia
Sing to the LORD with the harp - Alleluia
Make sweet melody, not sharp - Alleluia
Bring words of psalms to worship - Alleluia
Him with humble voice and lip - Alleluia
Sound loud trumpets and cornet - Alleluia
Let His goodness none forget - Alleluia
Make joyful noise, He the King - Alleluia
And Lord of Lords, to Him sing - Alleluia
Creation join in, sea roar - Alleluia
And all there for evermore - Alleluia
The whole world and all therein - Alleluia
Fresh praises do e\'er begin - Alleluia
Let the rivers, floods, their hands - Alleluia
Clap and celebrate, all lands - Alleluia
Let the hills together be - Alleluia
With mountains exultant, free - Alleluia
Come before the LORD, for He - Alleluia
Comes to judge earth righteously - Alleluia
All by Him shall be judged fair - Alleluia
All shall in equity share - Alleluia!