
Servant Scenes - Mark\'s Gospel (11)

Tune: University College

(\'Oft in danger, oft in woe\')

Mark 9 v.35-41 parts


If any desire be first

If that their desire, their thirst

The same needs be last of all

If following their Lord\'s call


And servant of all shall be

Such as desire greatness, see

Whosoe\'er receives a child

Receives Jesus, loving, mild


And they too receive the Lord

God the Father, they assured

And none who do miracles

In Christ\'s name, they have no falls


For such are for Christ, and they

Seek His will, it to obey

Whoever the smallest deed

Does in His name, here take heed


For such shall not lose reward

In the service of their Lord

His true servants they shall be

Follow His humility