kevin browne

There Once Was A King.

There once was a King who\'d fought from the start
There once was a Queen who\'d decided to depart
The castle was broken with a young girl hid away
She was pulled from the rubble to live another day
This young girl of age 19 was the daughter of Queen
But her father the King kept on treating her real mean
Her name is Amorance Rhodina, and she\'s quite nice
But, King and the Queen wanted her gone that night
All the Kings guards chased her everywhere and here
Caught up with her when she was filling up with tears
They chucked her in a wheelbarrow, tipped her outside
Scared to be out on her own until she opened her eyes
Locked away for so long she had forgotten her sense
To see the grass, the trees and know what they meant
Never to be loved or to have loved anyone she\'d met
Barefoot, tired, hungry and thirsty when the sun had set
I backed off a bit but with nowhere to go or to fall asleep
Built a tree house, told her to climb, but started to weep
I lifted her up on my shoulder as she let out a scream
Told her to quieten up, take a deep breath for her dream
We woke in the morning at nearly a quarter past nine
Amorance tucked up beside me, I hoped for more time
Then we climbed down from our house to see the Sun
It was raining a dull grey darker than if there was none
Went to the market so I could buy her 2 pigs and 2 cows
To breed and to grow into a cattle to a price on a house
Onto our plot animals grew into some wealth we needed
She wanted a castle again, so I found one, but it\'s haunted
There were ghosts with old lovers. a lady in a white dress
\"Oh dear Kevin,\" she said so to get her out of this mess
I told her we would work hard, and together we\'d rebuild
Loch Lomond in ruins when I had to beg, borrow and steal
And, now that it\'s eloquently shining underneath its birth
All the money we saved and spent it\'s a wonderful worth
Amoranc and I had finally fallen in love with each other
When the world had shown up at ours. yours and whoever
A child has been raised in Amorances\' heart to bear a child
She is a beautiful young baby so tenderly loved and held
Together now forevermore in what we 3 have completed
In front of the open fire with Pink Champagne being seated
We reflected on our first house, the treehouse that we made
To think of all the treehouses, and how much love they gave.