Kevin Michael Bloor

The Chosen One


Everyone I ever knew,
All that comic, cretin crew,
Relatives of bone and blood,
Kith and kin; both bad and good,

Neighbours, mates and childhood chums,
Lads at school in rugby scrums;
Each one a gormless, godless git
Like all those ‘heroes’ down the pit,

Girls I’ve used and cast aside,
Dads who drew short straws and died,
Rogues and rascals, rude and rank;
I\'ll sum them up with scorn, as skank!

All born and bred to grunt and graft,
Dim dunderheads, all downright daft;
I\'d like to stand \'em \'gainst a wall
Then squeeze the trigger – watch \'em fall!

Apart from one, I’ve left off list;
The only one I ever missed!
An angel, born in brainless hell;
A precious pearl from slime-filled shell.

The cream - from culture crass and cold,
Was made by God, who broke the mould;
The single spark, who lit my life;
That\'s why I chose her for my wife!