Joseph M Marion

I will

I will do anything my dear to make you happy, to show how much I care,
I will go to the ends of the earth to the depths of the sea and beyond edges of the universe if you needed to find anything and everything that your heart\'s desire, you set my heart and soul on fire,
I will give it my all even risking life and limb or any it takes takes to make you happy if only for ever,
I will give up my life if needs be to protect my angel,
I will be your hero, your knight in shining armor,
I will always protect you from anything there may be
that could frighten, threaten, or harm you my sweetie,
I will do anything to defense my lady’s honor,
I will do everything in this life to give you all that you need want and so rightly deserve,
I will always try for my sweet angel to do what is right.
I will do everything for you to be happy,
healthy, safe, full of peace and strength just pure delight to see you smile,
I will do anything it takes to let you know you matter most,
I will always give you my best, treating you with dignity and respect, love ,caring, and my greatest tenderness like you given me, I will do everything to heal your heart, mind, body, soul as you done to me,
you\'re the greatest dream I never could ever dream of no matter how hard I try, sometimes I kneel before God and cried  to thank him for the angel he gave me, then you catch me you ask me why I cry, because you touch me just that deeply life has been good to me, well now you know, I will do everything that you want and need because my heart and soul command me by god above, you\'re my lady, my best friend, my lover, beyond forever to the end.