
The King\'s Folly


creeping through his heart, an intangible twang in his stomach, it was coming for him

a crack, the break of brittle bones echo through the walls, it senses his presence,

a snort the creature sniffing for it\'s prey, eyes aglow with a deep unquenchable fire,

a string long and gold seemingly leading for the exit but in truth leading towards his death

the dread of realizing that it was behind him about to charge, that he was at his end,

and yet it was miles away and if he could just find a corner to turn he could avoid it but once more,

to find an exit would provide safe haven to let him escape this eternal nightmare and he did not noticing,

the dripping blood providing a trail for the beast to follow to escape the maze and be released on the world

the release of a beast so powerful that it was locked away by a long dead king in hopes of never letting it escape


Now look at what you\'ve done young child you have set free this nightmare amalgam that was to be locked away for an eternity

you have failed us forced us to release the hounds, to call upon the royal guard of the high city and beg, for forgiveness in hopes that they will hunt down the unspeakable before it kills us all

we are all going to die a horrible death fore the king cares not for us but for his city he will not believe until his city is in ruin

his beautifully gilded city of lime and marble built only as a safe haven for the rich and wealthy

he will only believe when the aristocrats are dead and the gold is gone

taken, by The white minotaur.