
Sympathy Hyenas

A gust of wind tickles my face

Reminding me i should smile

People are observing my mood

And I realise it\'s been a while


I drag my mouth northbound

And twinkle my dull eyes for show

If my eyes aren\'t quite bright enough

I\'ll look sad and they will know


Insignificant topics ventured

As chattering carries the floor

I just don\'t want to hear the words

\"Are you okay?\' anymore!


I pinch myself back to the group

Laugh at something I didn\'t hear

Executing my clever plan

To avoid that question i fear


They don\'t want a truthful answer

They want me to say \'I\'m okay\'

Repeatedly I lie FOR them

So that THEY are not in dismay


My grief feels unfairly hijacked

When I feel sorrow so deep

I avoid this stupid question

Like body and mind avoid sleep


A gust of wind tickles my face

Suddenly, don\'t know what to say

The pack pounce like hungry hyenas


\"My goodness, are you okay?\"