Joseph M Marion

My core

 You are my core, one I truly adore, you bought my cold abandon soul to life ,
you make my spirit soar,
You are my core , the very spirit that dewels inside me,
you given me ability to stand think again,
You are my core, You given me true friendship ones most wish they had,
you given me hope and strength, so much more,
You are my core, you inspire my greatest thoughts and dreams,
you even seem to know all I do it seems,
You are my core, you replaced all negative thoughts and gave me my fight back for life,
You are my core, you shared your hopes and dreams with me, you share your life with me, how proud I am and honored to be with you,
You are my core,
You are the core
All the values, all that a woman should be, is definitely you,
You are the core of truth,
You are core to love life all that is beautiful,
You are core to wisdom,
You are core to kindness,
You are core to true strength,
You are core to me, all because of you I now stand tall, once again free of night mare that now abandon me,
You are core to my heart to share life with, you make me whole,
You are the core the very center, to all we are and will be in our life, you needed to know my love for you are my core.
I love you