Kurt Philip Behm

Forever To Shine (+7)

The joy of a simple walk

The company of a treasured dog

With peace as my roadmap

I’m pulled deeper inside


Each step brings me closer

To myself in this moment

As the past and the future

Drift slowly aside


All bliss disconnected

From place or event

Its joy now sustaining

And unendingly mine


The time of the season

All seasons do abound

New light from within

  —here forever to shine


(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2015)


A Final Goodbye


Starting out with belief

 all that’s left is regret


Starting out with hope

 every wish then denied


Starting out with love

 at the end only pain


Starting out with a welcome

  —one last final goodbye


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2019)




Either Or



  writing poetry



  writing prose



  with each word to gift



  —with each thought to know


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2015)  



That Missing Link


A step ahead

A step behind

The motion foreign

The distance blind


To look then forward

While looking back

The moment flounders

The line goes slack


The past—the future

Regret and hope

A sun now darkened

Your shadow gropes


A step ahead

A step behind

That missing link

  —still yours to find


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2015)



If The Moment Repeats


If you want to accomplish something,

  stop talking


If you want to get somewhere,

  start walking


If you want to be someone,

  stop wishing


If you find your table bare,

  start fishing


If the door remains barred and closed,

  knock again


If the meaning lags behind intent,

  yourself befriend


If the sentences won’t start or end,

  reopen your heart


If the moment repeats again the same,

  with love—restart


(Train-Brattleboro Vermont: September, 2015)




When did the global depression



When did the leaves start to

  wither and fall


When did the answers start questioning



When did the love vanish that springtime



Now, every method begets nothing

  but madness


Now, the rotten pudding harbors proof

  deep within


Now, every deal is dealt straight

  from the bottom


Now, disowned and orphaned

   —the truth cowers in sin


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2015)




A Note To Time


Refortifying myself…

I expected less and less

From you

My inner world unfolding

All window dressing cast aside

My spirit entrusted to

Those moments still to come

The truth now able to settle

And learn

My secret voice conscious of

What my curiosity and reflection

   —have yet to see


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)



Till Our Wishes


I lived inside her laughter,

I slept inside her song,

I wrote inside her meaning

  —till our wishes all were gone


(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2015)