Poetic Dan

Come give a cheer!

The jungle jumpers caught my eye
But the raspberry races do fly by
Crazy cat\'s eyes are old school
Although mellow yellow is no fool


Chocolatiers are a pretty sweet crew
Jawbreakers can come crashing through
The limers are favourites to win
But balls of chaos have a glimpse


Green ducks have be training hard
While hazers just roll back and laugh
Pinkies are mentally focused ahead
Indigo stars act like they have it made


The snowballs seem to of lost support
Team galactic are looking always board
Shining swarm have never looked better
Yet Thunderbolts look very weathered


There are some teams that I\'ve left out
I\'m sure there\'s more around the world
To bring in peace and love to all
I give my respect in thanking Marbles


You always know which way to roll!