Joseph M Marion

Last quest


My sister last quest,

She did her best at life day by day,

Never letting any part defeat her, she let it all greet her,

Never ran from it but took command,

You asked only three things from me  I fulfilled.

Still don\'t know why only these,

to stay to end,

poem to family while ur alive,

one directly after death,

Family orientated just by nature,

Proud she was at children she raised,

Grand children she was beyond amazed, Isis was your princess, everyone knows what I mean,

Her family was her soarse  of energy,

Her greatest friend was there to the end,

Even in all pain she was in she never stopped the fight for the right to life,

It was her time, God took her by the hand back to his land,

We all love miss you.

Last poem of your moving on, to your new home