This has been enough for me

I have so many bloody questions 

For you, the god, a god 

I only ever go back now 


I’m so scared that it will become fallacy 

I can’t even say it

I can’t even speak 


Colours and stripes 

I’ll be yellow

You be what you choose 

Drown it all out 

With music sung from 

A distant past 

Why is it so distant now?


When it never fucking was before 

Why am I crying now 



I’ll ask you a question 

Scream it 

What the fuck is going on 

Here in the yellow 

We’re swimming in sun 


Here we go

I’m getting better 

On the mend 

But yellow will bend 

And I don’t want the next chapter 


Stripe me

Ask me a question 

Help me

Like you helped before 


Grab the defibrillator

I’m on my way 

Out the door 


Can you touch my tears? 

Anger is just locked away sad 


I’m sorry that it’s dark in here 


It doesn’t make sense I know 

Can you feel my fear?