Tune: Leibster Jesu
(\'Dearest Jesu, we are here\')
Mark 14 v.22-31
Jesus, Supper instituted
Simple gifts of wine and of bread
Took bread, blessed it, and did give
It to disciples, they ate, live
Bread of life, His body broken
For us here be the sure token
And He took the cup of wine
It would symbolise His blood fine
New testament blood it is
Which is shed for many, true this
Though Jesus no more would drink wine
\'Til He drinks in kingdom divine
They did sing a hymn, and then
Went to Mount of Olives, was when
Jesus said, you all shall be
Offended this night, \'tis writ, see
\'I will smite he shepherd, and sheep
Shall be scattered, not with Him keep\'
But when He has rose again
They shall see in Galilee then
Him, the risen Lord, though they
There said from Him they would not stray
But He knew they would not do so
Though they said with Him they would go
Would go even unto death
Share with Him in gasping last breath
And He knew that Peter would
Deny Him thrice, and that it should
Be before cockerel crow twice
It be too great for them, the price