Perpetual Motion

There is a vacant art to buying time

So vacant that it cannot be explained 

I recently asked the governess of Mother Nature if she would hold back on snowing for days on end again

So, what do you know, instead it has rained all night into today

If this continues, it just may cause a Winter flood

The waters have risen too high around me once before, 22 years ago

I have my own pair of galoshes this time around

I found it most hilarious then that gambling could turn people into die hards

They kept on pulling the arms of the bandits while wading through the casino floors in their rain shoes like it was the thing to do

The casinos refused to close for repair for as long as their wallets still held cash and their owners were pumping it into the machines

Here in Carson City, It would be up to me to be the bitch to start new trends

My passion bends me toward the happiness of all my warrior boys who all somehow unified in another zone to help fight for my right to live

I give everything I can give to those in need

Until they bite my hands so hard that I refuse to feed into all their bullshit anymore

Then they actually have the nerve to ask me for directions to the door that will hit them in their asses

First they must pass go and collect their 200$ donation 

My inner realm is not a weigh station

I will not be the one who suffers in any way for the likes of some amateur that arrived just to get in my way

Wether or not they are aware of their own mistakes is all on them

I cannot even start to explain their fate if they hinder my desires

I can start wildfires with the blink of an eye

I refuse to play nicely anymore

It is the same old story that it has been so many times before

Do not ignore me when I give you all the facts, for they will never be repeated again

God, please send me another one of your Angels with a private update on the ways of my path

I have done all I can to even them out by taking into my self their wrath

It becomes a piss ant that I press against the tip of my tongue

I will not be hung upon another crucifix

I must remain in perpetual motion to collect all the boys

I am sure it annoys all the bitches to the utmost extreme

I cannot wait to hear them scream out my name

Ha ha

Hoot hoot...

Bye Bye!