
Love of the forest

The wind speaks, the trees wave like they are excited to see me.

 Breathe in breathe out the majestic trees in the forest are always there day in and day out.

 My comfort lies  between you all looking up to the canopies oh so tall.

 Protecting me covering me comforting me in times of fear. 

Your roots are like feet planted firmly in the soil a sentry steadfast protecting me from every foe.

 The lake nearby gives you a small drink from the ice cold snow melting, God has this whole thing so very synced.

A cloud floating by to the to the bird in the sky my love for my giant green friend I will never deny. 

Smell the air and feel the wind do people know you give them life? 

My story will end someday, and to the earth I return under that tree for me to stay.