
My Mother My Friend




I love you more, you would say

Ohhh how I wish I could hear those words today..


Mommy I can’t believe your gone, and not here any more

I still think I’m going to hear your voice when we walk through the door


We didn’t always see eye to eye

But remember all those times we would laugh until we would cry


Remember all the water fights that we had

That one in the apartment got pretty bad

We laughed so hard Pauline peed her pants

I’d do it again if we had the chance..


Remember the grapes at the craft store

We laughed and played so much

 I thought they were going to tell us we couldn’t come there no more


The July parties and holidays at your place

All of us together in that little space

You made sure family was together

All those memories I will cherish forever


I love you Mom and I miss you so much

If I could only get one last hug, and feel your motherly touch


I got my goofiness from my dad and my selflessness from you

Even though… you have a little goofiness in you too 

You were always there to help someone in need

Within me, Mom, you planted that seed…


Thank you Mom for all you have done

Another like you, No there is none


You are special woman, mother, and friend

We will miss you dearly...until we meet again…


We Love you Mom