
Smoke Filled Days.

Well that took me back,

Back many years of my life.

Three guys came into the coffee bar,

Got their coffee,

Went outside

And sat at a table.

As they sat down

Each reached into their pockets

And pulled out some cigarettes,

Once they were lit

They sat around chatting,

And drinking,

And smoking,

And that took me back,

Back to when smoking was the norm.

Walking into a smoke filled pub,

Thinking nothing of it

As I pulled out a fag

To go with my pint.

At work it was often the case

As I walked into an office

I could barely see across the room,

The smoke from cigarettes hid everyone.

Nowadays it is just not done,

But back then it was normal,

And those three guys reminded me,

Of those fun, smoke filled days.