
Revival And Christ\'s Freedom

I said it before.

We need a revival.

We need a reformation.

Yes, changes in this country,

in this world,

must be made.

The Gospel must be spread.

Still, do not take,

what I say out of context.

To have a revival,

is to have Christ,

and Christ is freedom.

Yes, to reform is to change.

Change is imminent.

Still, we must keep Christ.

We must show him,

to all people.

Christ is our peace,

and to live in peace,

is to live in freedom.

No, there is nothing wrong,

with compromise.

That is a part of moving forward.

Nevertheless, we must not compromise,

at the expense,

of giving everything up,

(our convictions, our morals).

I do not mean to sound zealous.

No, no, I do not mean,

to come across,

as some sort of rebel.

Certainly not.

Still, I will say this.

I was created perfect -

made free.

Yet, I entered into a world of sin.

For a while I was trapped in sin,

but now I know,

that I am free,

and I will die a free man,

knowing that,

the gospel has been spread.