

The burden, so heavy 

Take it off, let it fall

I ask of you God

So I can stand tall


This burden, please

For a time at least

Shake it loose, set me free

Let me have that release


Burden of the past

It holds me down I cannot rise

Burden of pain

I carry you all the time


I need a break, I need relief

Lift the weight, no more shadow

Take this burden away

Let me rise, let me go


With this burden of mine

I still smile, still pretty

I carry it well

I don\'t want the pity


I wish for it gone

To feel it no more

I dream of no burden

I see myself soar


Weight gone

I can fly

I see God

I am lifted


I am blessed

I am great

Life\'s amazing

I am gifted


I\'m at peace

I am happy

I can love

With weight lifted


I live long

I am fruitful

I am now

I am here


I am wise

I am free

I am brave

I\'ve no fear


Oh burden 

I need you gone

But if you stay as you are

As you have for so long


I will hide you, bury you

Suppress you so deep

No one will know

That\'s what I keep


And because I have carried you

Inside for so long

I have grown, I can bear you

I am strong, I am strong