Kurt Philip Behm

Gabriel Calls (+6)

My heart belongs to providence,

   as I walk that final mile


My footsteps bought and paid for,

   when I clear the last denial


My faith is bold and steadfast,

   a new rain begins to fall


Through the fog a horn is blowing

   the gate open—Gabriel calls


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)

           From \'The Book Of Prayers\'






Prince without a lineage

King without a throne


Master without servants

Lover of that unknown


Hearer of what’s unspoken

Seer of things divine


Lord among the jesters

Voice for all the mimes


Reason, when excuses falter

Questioner, when answers fail


Link between the seasons

  —first breath a baby wails


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)




Wanting Only To Rhyme


Before I could return to writing prose,

  the Muse kidnapped my pen by decree


Most days fully structured and measured on end,

  but tonight

     —words yearned to be free


Each story cerebral, its words to describe,

  new plots marching forward in time


With fables inscribed for others, not I,

   my true voice

      —wanting only to rhyme


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)



Another Look


Another day with a voice

  —one more glimpse into forever


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)




Hell Upon Earth


The livery on fire,

  its horses set free


Misery beckons,

  the future to bleed


The gates are broke open,

  all streets painted red


Death has awakened,

  life dragged from its bed


One bugle is left,

  blowing perdition’s melee


All swords are unsheathed,

  terror sharpens dismay


Tomorrow unpromised,

  today but a curse


The monster has cometh

   —a hell upon earth


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)



So Hard Undefined


Neither over nor under,

  ahead or behind


My position unreferenced,

  your judgment still blind


Not over or under,

  ahead or behind


So easy once labeled
  —so hard undefined


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)






If we were young men,

  if we were strong


If we had fresh words,

  to add to our song


If we were soldiers,

  with war in our veins


If we were poets,

  our voices reclaimed


If we were lovers,

  of women that cried


If we went wandering,

  our heart’s reapplied


If we were statesmen,

  the world in our grasp


If we were sailors,

  the wind at our backs


If we were farmers,

  with meadows so green


If we were actors,

  on stages supreme


If we were hunters,

  new wolf on the prowl


If we were dreamers,

  all wishes allowed


If we were young men,

  still facing the sun


But alas, we are old

  —and darkness has come                


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)