Gary Edward Geraci




To the traveling and working Filipino migrant with a fervent love of God to light the way and spread His word




Far from country so they sail,

What ails the aged and the frail;

Healing both body and soul —

God’s gift, the Filipino.




Kept close to Christ and the pope:

The world’s best workforce, full of hope;

All in Abu Dhabi,

Arabian, Filipino.




Mass, it’s as if it’s been stilled,

Massive cathedrals once were filled;

But wait, a resurgence:

Pack the Church, Filipino!




Long love for both young and old,

Hearts to heal a hardened household:

Poised, PacMan’s power punch,

Las Vegas, Filipino.




Closet cloistered, folded hands,

A burning bush in salted sands,

Good and gone but your prayer,

Saved my life, Filipino!