
Peace: Alleviating Anxiety

Tune: St Francis Xavier

(\'My God, I love thee, not because\')

Philippians 4 v.4-7


Rejoice here in the Lord always

Here throughout all life\'s days

Let your moderation be known

It to all men (mankind) be shown


For the Lord is at hand, He near

Be not anxious, nor fear

But in everything by prayer

With Him all need do share


Pray with thanksgiving, let requests

Be made known to God, best

Is, and His peace which surpasses

Understanding, shall bless


Shall bless you, and keep hearts and minds

Through Christ Jesus, thus find

His help sometimes beyond us, yet

His love on us is set


Anxiety, thinks o\'er and o\'er

What solution, what more

Can I do to relieve my care

And so no more it bear


Left to ourselves, we think again

And are concerned of when

We shall leave this, our anxious state

E\'en may ourselves berate


God\'s peace, it not dependent on

Our finding solution

Nor depends on understanding

How He will solve each thing