
Our Choir.

There are so many characters who sing in our choir,

The basses are low but the tenors sing higher.

The leads sing the tune and take charge of the song?

The cream are the baris who never go wrong!


The sound rumbles round from voices so deep;

Is that noise thunder that’s stopping us sleep?

No only the basses whose demeanour and voice

Are both far too low to make us rejoice!


Wavering so high above all the rest

The tenors let fly, thinking they’re best.

Their voices can only reach to this height

As they pull up their trousers extremely tight


The leads supposedly take charge of the song

Why do they get it so often wrong?

Are they drowned by the rest singing too loud

Or don’t they want to stand out in the crowd!


Amongst the dross of all other parts

A sound can be heard that can stir the hearts

Of all those who listen with an informed ear

The baritones singing loud, long and clear!


The Musical Director in front all alone

Attempting to get us to sing the right tone

One day will learn that he needs just to mete

Out, the time the chorus wants him to beat.