
Faith, Hope, Love - 1 Thessalonians Series (3)

Tune: Duke Street

(\'Fight the good fight\')

1 Thessalonians Chapter 3 parts


Be not moved by each affliction

We are appointed to each one

God works through them redemptively

Help us Lord, your good purpose see


Not give up faith, tribulation

Comes to all of each class, station

Let not the tempter you o\'ercome

Nor make you to God\'s presence numb


God Himself, The Father, and His Son

Our Lord Jesus direct each one

Make you to increase more in love

Empowered by His Spirit, dove


Love each other, abound in this

So God\'s true way you shall not miss

To the end He may establish

Your hearts in holiness, His wish


Unblameable before God, you

Shall be before the Father, view

The coming of His Son, Jesus

And all His saints, assured to us