
Bursts Of Creativity...


Asper myself tend
to occur late at night,
or early morn \'o follow
wing day unbeknownst
despite acute insight
how, when, where, why...

ideas swarm and bite
inspiration doth alight
try as I might to

coax, anchor right,
burning candlebox at
both ends during midnight

oil, and pry open hermetically airtight
noggin, where my poetic
(side) juices glommed up tight
blew silly blackened, and barbed
as though cold anthracite
ash coal lest futile effort

fueling mental cogs synaps (snaps),
sans each axon and dendrite,
and damn pinwheeling frenzied
writer\'s block won\'t budge,
no matter intense aghast fright
regarding drawing nothing,

but blank screen, an unpleasant sight
which activates greater fright
concentration stoppers appetite
to satiate agile literary skill
invoked with all mum might
encountering severe

resistance along well worn
nicked, pitted, rutted...

central processing unit abysmal sight
core cratered tracks analogous trite
other places blasted as if by dynamite
nanobot size infrastructure blight

hmm... huff frayed
to admit fifty plus shades
of grey pock marked beltway abustle

with at least bajillion
self important cosmopolite

avast friggin buzzfeed contrasted with bevy
of heavily rowdy, yet polite
sumo wrestlers exuding
spongy dimpled cellulite,
nonetheless grueling effort experienced
with craven half starved diabolical spite

undermining, jackknifing,
dogging... literary endeavor to expedite
satisfactory pièce de résistance flight
of fancy, though challenged
every step of the way,

once ambition fired up...at twilight
as mortal passion
unstoppable to complete
crafting daily poem
kindled with emotional lignite!