
Vain Obscurities

Vanity, Vanity,

all is vanity.

As a strong man in Christ,

I remain steadfast,

to the faith.

Still, as a human,

for years, I have searched in vain.

I have done many things,

and have been,

to many places.

I have many,

what others would call,


Yet, many of them,

are pointless to me.

They are pointless,

because many of them,

did not glorify God.

Do not be mistaken.

I have served the Lord well.

The highest point,

in my life,

was when I accepted Christ,

into my heart.

Many times,

I have brought the Gospel -

that was of Christ.

Many times,

I have claimed his name -

that was of Christ.

At times, I look back,

at points in my life,

and I smile.

Still, there are many,

points in my life,

that are full of unpleasentness -

some even regrets.

As a human,

there were times,

when I felt down,

when I tried to have,


and yet, all of those times,

were foolishly in vain,

with Christ Jesus beside me,

the whole time.

I am not an old man,

considering I am thirty years old.

Nor am I the smartest man.

Nor am I the most educated.

Still, I say this to the young,

do not put your trust,

in the things of the world.

I am not saying,

that I have,

or at least, I have not meant to,

but I do know,

that materials things,

do not last.

A dollar can burn.

Things will fade.

Weapons can fail.

People may come and go.

Yet, God will never go.

Do not believe,

the lies of this world.

There were many points before,

when I did.

For years I have searched,

only to find,

temporary medicines.

Yes, they were fun,

and sometimes the fun seemed to last,

but when the fun ended,

I would fall back,

into sadness.

After sometimes asking,

the Lord for help,

I would then go out,

and do what I thought was righteous.

I am not saying,

that I was against God.

Nor did I ever oppose him.

Certainly not...

Not so much,

as I strayed from him at times.

Yet, as I look back,

I realize,

that each time I strayed from him,

I remained unsatisfied.

Yes, there are necessities,

in this world,

but there are no answers in it.

Jesus Christ our Savior,

which is the Son of the true living God,

who\'s kingdom,

is not of this world.

is the only answer.

Everything else is vanity.

So hear the conclusion,

of the whole matter:

Fear God,

have Christ as your Savior,

and keep the Lord\'s commandments.

For this is man\'s all.

For God will bring,

every work into judgement,

including every secret thing,

whether good or evil.