Fay Slimm.




To The Sandman


Oh Sleep you old raveller of threads ,
feeder of narcotic nectar - - - - - - baker
of bedtime sedative - - boatman who never
rows me to Morpheus - - a slumber-jack fakir
with no restorative - - - - you pretend lover bent
on desertion - - - a fiend who woos then predates,
the so-called mood soother - that rock-a-bye friend
known as The Sandman - - a false eye-salve agent,
maker of drowse-powder - nightly dope-peddler,
dream-chainer - - - inhuman drug-sprite - pale
ghost of dark\'s opiate - you pseudo-breathed
jailer of wakeful night-ire - - - - - the knave
who keeps dozers awake - - - the jester
whose counted sheep drives people crazy,
repent I implore - withdraw your meanness,
end my hourly rousing - - employ the brakes,
cease your ghoulish games - - - leave me
to repose - - grant the somnolent state
so I can enjoy weaving sweet dreams.
Insomniac I shall refuse as a name
if Oh Sleep you come back to me.