
Sometimes just sometimes

Sometimes just sometimes I want to feel loved, sometimes just sometimes I want to be touched, sometimes I want someone to feel my pain, everyone looks at me like I’m just the same. The same as them even the ones that claim to be my friends the ones that claim their . But their not and that’s not fair they come out when the rewards are on the table but when I go tumbling down they say sorry I can’t save you. Sorry you can’t save me or sorry you just won’t. Nobody’s obligated to help but it would nice to have a hand because sometimes just sometimes I don’t even a leg to stand . A leg to stand on believe me this isn’t the life I planed on, planed on having at first I thought it would rainbows, unicorns and magic. They say problems come once your an adult but mine came a lot earlier I learnt to hide the pain and say it’s okay because I’ll get through this day. But now I hear the voices and each and every day they get louder ones saying they don’t care, ones say we should leave, ones saying don’t do this please. I wish I knew the answer, I wish I could find my new balance, I wish I don’t feel this way. Sometimes just sometimes I want to go far far away so far that I won’t see the next day. 

                                       By Demi-Louise