
To Sissi Mi IncreĆ­ble Amor


She’s increíble! I mean, I can’t believe it!

Her heart’s full of amor-I can hardly conceive it!

That’s her feeling towards me, yes I’m her esposo

My feelings towards her? In her deuda, and more so

Sometimes I feel like I don’t la merezco

She’s on my mind always- I wish I could crezco

In her eyes-she loves truly, a love como Cristo

She sees the best in me, in como me visto

Sometimes I feel guilty, I pray she’ll me perdone

And she continues to love me, when she could me condene

She fills mi corazón and my every ambition

And me sigue amando, even in my condition

This day is her day- Día de San Valentín

En su cuerpo no hay un bone mean

Wish I could do more to lift her heavy cargas

But she just keeps on working, and does it with sonrisas

I know she could doubt me, cause I don’t lo demuestro…

All my love, I should more, pero es verdad that I feel so

When we married she didn’t know que todo eso would happen

That her life would so change, I’m grateful she’s my sostén

Right now she’s at trabajo, she works hard to help us

She’s so altruista, is so giving and unselfish

Este poema is for her, to show my love and aprecio

For her servicio, devoción- that her love is without precio

Yes, you’re my ejemplo-wish I were more like you

My sanctuary, my templo, hold your hand and a big hug too

This Valentine’s Day honey- tú eres the very best

My whole life te debo, but I’m afraid I’m your test


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