The fatal loop of a simple leather belt
stands as a portal betwixt this world
and that which lies beyond.
Looking upon my short life, I remember
so many, too many faces,
once inconsequential, now judgemental.
A whole host of souls,
lamenting my passage, outraged at my action,
gaze upon my corpse wondering
how I silently slipped into the endless night.
Regret weighs heavily upon an overburdened heart.
O, how I wish to have loved!
Perhaps then I would have loving arms
to embrace my troubled mind.
O, how I wish to have laughed!
Perhaps then I would have more comrades
to prevent this senseless loss.
O, how I wish to have lived!
Perhaps then I would see another way out
besides the Devil\'s own noose.
The Prince could not die upon his throne,
so he made the pale countryside his home.
\'Round his neck the rope was tied,
and may the Lord keep him, for he finally died.