
Found in Translation feat. Anton Chekhov


the trees – the sky – I have a feeling for nature,
I love my mother, I love her very much,
I haven\'t the slightest respect for him
the bees get lost, the cows die,
no more are the may-bugs heard in the lime groves.
as if I were to wake up one morning and this lake had gone,
The moment the thing is off the press I can\'t stand it.
– are these eyes lying to you?
I see your face wherever I go,
then nothing but empty space –
What more can I tell you?

I love this stretch of water here, the trees, the sky, I respond to nature,
I love my mother, I love her very much,
I do respect your freedom, but
The bees die, the cows die,
in the lime groves the May beetles are silent.
it\'s as if I\'d woken up and found the lake had suddenly dried up
I can see right away it\'s not what it ought to be,
sick, overwrought nerves
Do you think I\'m a liar?
everywhere I look, I see your face,
and beyond that, empty space.
What else can I tell you?

I love nature. Look at it. This lake, the trees, the sky.
I love my mother, I love her very much,
But you see the difference is,
The bees die, the cows keel over,
In the lime groves, the May beetles are silent.
it\'s like I\'ve woken up and suddenly the lake has gone.
and all you can see is the book you didn\'t write,
tension and neurosis.
Do I look like a liar?
No matter where I turn, I still see your face,
and beyond, an empty space.
I don\'t know what else to say.