Jon Nakapalau

let me tell you a story

or maybe not

maybe you are tired of stories
I know I am

tired of being told stories
that I am told I have to hear

but never being asked to tell my own story
but I digress

let me tell you a story
once there was a man

who listened to all the stories he could hear
but found that they were all only partly true

and that everyone held their part of truth inside
and only told lies outside

till that day when the truth
slowly was eroded

in the soul of all
then the pieces were lost

in ashen twirling
of self deception

but everyone went on
telling stories

till the day the stories became true
because they presented false hope

and everyone pointed fingers at everyone else
accusing them of lying

never considering what lies they had told
and all the children were confused

but it no longer mattered
because as long as everyone

had a story to tell
everyone else would listen

just to tear into them
when their story was told

then one day
a dark figure appeared

his blank eyes dead
his black lips bleeding

then he said
let me tell you a story

the very last story you will ever hear.