
March 8th - International Women\'s Day The World Over

Down to the wire, before this

calendrical occasion doth expire,

though arbitrary twenty four hour

time set aside for guide

ding hand of the supposed/purported

fairer gender, yet human race, yet hide

bound male oriented (patriarchal) must

relinquish reigns of power and egoistic pride!


Survival of species mandates, er...

woman warrants segue way into an opportune

winning moment for matriarchy,

idea leaning in with my paunch

just now while sitting on me

bum issuing flatulence,

while poised on haunch,

this grand scheme to shift \"mother\"

paradigm as kickstarter platform

global campaign best Gaia hood launch

(without no ifs, ands,

nor buts) to staunch

bloody, brutish, nasty...

warlords indiscriminate raunch


apparently linkedin with machismo

animal, banal, carnal

activity...in apropos

for those supposed

\"men at work\" dough

boys in many industries

hesitant to allow

management to incorporate

diversity and flow

with admixture to

tone down militaristic

stance heavily saturating

gunning product endorsements


sans, toys for tots miniature

weapons bought as a la carte,

bons with child size meal,

some ideally meant to spark

vitiate, unleash, trigger, spur

rapidly snarling tussling among

yips and playful puppy like bark


aggressive competitive purchasers

devices snapped up on a lark,

that ravenously mesmerize,

glow with a Noah ville paginated arc

predominantly helping boys shine

lasers to find their way in the dark,

these \"FAKE\" trappings priming

gun toting mindset at crucial stark

age to inculcate impressionable

embryonic seeded inquisitiveness

sophisticated electronic goodies, sans quark

thought processes, advertisers nudging

with everlasting lifelong indelible mark

steering stereotype cast gender bias

buzzfeeding future enlistees, earmark

kings military industrial complex edifice

for tomorrow\'s psychologically finagled

jackknifed, psyched...indoctrinated trademark


most likely completely

overhauled with able

bodied, confidant, daring...

females at the helm,

who would quickly disable,

where future teeters on

the brink of apocalypse,

rousing the ghost of lovely legs

Elizabeth Ruth \"Betty\" Grable,

whar fight\'n World War II boys

gabled analogous to din heard

in tower of Babel,


yet upon understood signal din silenced,

when esteemed goddess took to podium with great

trumped up pomp (albeit modest) and circumstance,

where clamoring would immediately abate

revered hand of Lady Liberty look alike incarnate

her majestic poetical, quintessential, regal...aura

charisma, karma...did automatically infiltrate

(synonymous with some catatonic, hypnotic tonic...


inducing meow wing spell), where her intrepid

essential unbesmirched virtue did actuate

magical mystery tour de force augmenting

win-win conflict resolution unanimously,


this mantra, she would strive mode to administrate

dethroning entrenched fruitless governments

honoring integrating, juxtapositioning...

for human beings (with other life forms) to propagate

amity, ethnicity, integrity, magnanimity to coordinate!