
he loves me, he loves me not

he loves me, 

he loves me not.

he does not love me but has me caught.

trapped me in a photo conversation to make me admit my love,

but i cling to my pride like the dingy on the ocean above.

why would i ever have feelings for a boy with such charm?

whos glittery green eyes sparkle with no harm.

whos skin is fair and porcelain smooth,

and his hair that waves up and down like the ocean groove.

his intelligence and will that trapped me in a daze,

this is true feelings, not no childish phase.

but he acts so different around me yet claims to only be friends,

cutting off my feelings like old split ends.

but everyone says there is hope and possible heart,

but my hope and my mind is tearing me apart.

he loves me, he loves me not.