
Praise Promenade

Tune: Easter Hymn

(\'Jesus Christ is risen today\')


Psalm 144 v.15

Happy is the people\'s state - Alleluia!

Whose God is the LORD, He great - Alleluia!

They do in Him put their trust - Alleluia!

Though they be mere human, dust - Alleluia!


Psalm 145 v.3

Great the LORD, great to be praised - Alleluia!

And to Him songs be up raised - Alleluia!

His greatness unsearchable - Alleluia!

Yet mortals may on Him call - Alleluia!


Psalm 145 v.15

The eyes of all on Him wait - Alleluia!

He will provide, not be late - Alleluia!

He gives food in due season - Alleluia!

Tending unto every one - Alleluia!


Psalm 145 v.16

The LORD does open His hand - Alleluia!

Satisfies all, every land - Alleluia!

Even the desire of all - Alleluia!

Living things, they on Him call - Alleluia!


Psalm 146 v.10

The LORD shall reign e\'en for ever - Alleluia!

He shall abdicate never - Alleluia!

He the God of Israel (Jews) - Alleluia!

And of all Gentiles, we tell - Alleluia!


Psalm 147 v.5

Great the LORD, and of great power - Alleluia!

Diminishes not one hour - Alleluia!

His understanding it be - Alleluia!

Infinite eternally - Alleluia!


Psalm 147 v.6

The LORD lifts up humble, meek - Alleluia!

Those who do Him lowly seek - alleluia!

But wicked unto the ground - Alleluia!

He does cast, there their place found - Alleluia!


Psalm 147 v.11

The LORD, he be please with they - Alleluia!

Who do fear him in their day - Alleluia!

They that hope in His mercy - Alleluia!

Do his loving-kindness see - Alleluia!


Psalm 148 v.5

Let all praise the LORD, for He - Alleluia!

Commanded them all, so be - Alleluia

All created by His word - Alleluia!

His life-giving voice was heard - Alleluia!


Psalm 148 v.13

Let all praise Him, for His name - Alleluia!

Is e\'er great, of endless fame - Alleluia!

It be excellent, and he - Alleluia!

Glorious over all be - Alleluia!


Psalm 149 v.4

The LORD He takes pleasure in - Alleluia!

His people, too cleansed from sin - Alleluia!

He will the meek beautify - Alleluia!

With salvation, it be nigh - Alleluia!


Psalm 150 v.6

Let all that has breath Him praise - Alleluia!

Even unto endless days - Alleluia!

There shall be no finale - Alleluia!

Life, eternal life shall be - Alleluia!