Is God a deficiency in
our character or makeup
Do we fill in the vacuum with
almighty tales of beyond
Is the salvation we yearn for
there buried deep inside us
Do our sermons lay unwritten
—last devotional unsung
(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Damning Refrain
The deeper the words
The meaner they
‘now free and alive
and stirred from the bottom
‘once buried and denied
in moments of pain’
Taking on new life,
they glare and they scowl
Staring back from the mirror
—a damning refrain
(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)
Descartes, Be Damned
From life’s final dissertation,
logic must be barred
A blueprint of our limitations,
its legions burned and scarred
In that last final closing moment,
transcendence kindled bright
The strictures of its failed excuse
—left victim to the night
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)