
Listening To My Body Electric

Mine offset fooey zook equilibrium

translated into at least one raw bit

(hmm...maybe the naughty one) being askew,

which nearly (worse case scenario) critically

could burn up every hair strand fiber optic wired conduit

sans, and destroy the primary, secondary, tertiary...

connection of this (motherf******) circuit

board, which (sorry tubby explicit),

whew close call offset (viz skin of

\"FAKE\" teeth), in NIC of time avoided major deficit

thankfully technical glitch

bit dust courtesy re: micro

processor faux wall thwarted,

toppling scaffolding upholding democracy forfeit

sure would totally wreck global functionality luckily

ace craftsman ma papa with keen insight

anticipated built-in catastrophic fail/

safe under soldering gun,

preemptively incorporated chess

grandmaster measured gambit,


hence avoiding future government

shutdowns since implicit

within migrant manufactured mesh

of webbed components houses white lie

sense to circumvent, via automatic

nanobyte size trigger


comprising a binary coded buffered kilobyte,

yours truly able to attune

consciousness to any slight

fluctuation, perturbation, variation, et cetera

imperceptible to nobody but me,

a \"smart\" sensor, that doubles as infrared light,

whereby coded instructions encrypted airtight

bequeathed to this artificial intelligence

as digitally patented birthright

also linkedin virtual reality appurtenances

portray futuristic bombsight

of World War III a minuscule,

yet not improbable chance event, some bright

eyed and bushy tailed hacker infringes copyright

gleefully launching atomic missiles,

which thermonuclear midnight

leaving Earth a lifeless burnt offering,

where scant bands escape by spaceflight,

whence this garden variety

will no longer be able to write!