
The unnamed.

I must say, today, those things that which, I believe, in it’s observation, have brought grave dissatisfaction for my entirety...... the glorification of nothingness; that which lacks meaning; the void. 


Silently observed in my sight line being consistently seeking its escape miming understanding. I speak plain....


The breadth and glorification of nothingness is plaguing me. 


The simple grandiose of worship. The unfettered dominance of ego.


Everything is something until it’s nothing.


The demands of the dark side of pride enjoying the caste. The unmannered. The rude.


Asses blown with silicon to dance across the screen speaking petty language. 


Assertation of nothingness. 


The accountants of covet being in a cat and mouse of the haves and have nots being the have nots themselves.


The ignorance and stupidity perpetrated by the broadcast. The masses, consuming, solidifying, it’s very legitimacy.


Existence becomes prescribed into a caricature of preconceived conceptualization.  


The consumption of following conceiving idiocracy. It prevails.


The vehicle at our head dest we rest in servitude. Taking quarters with doors without locks. Sipping on the poison of nothingness.