Kurt Philip Behm

A Grandfather\'s Divorce (+3)

He never told me when he left her,

 I’d go through a Grandfather’s divorce


The kids remote and distant

 all contact scant and forced


My love sits idly waiting

 for the phone to ring again


Saying “Papa we want to see you”

 but Mommy’s mad at men


My heart left cold and broken

 warm wishes unreturned


As two children fight to understand

 —a world left dark and burned


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)


Eternity\'s Door



I was ready to die

But death

Wasn’t ready for me



I was ready to die

From the past

And a future unseen



I was ready to die

But the light

Of salvation rechose



I was ready to die

But the door to eternity

  —was closed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)



Slipping Away


The notion of time,

  a potion sublime


A bottomless pit,

  the physicists fit


Today or tomorrow,

  the future or past


As your arms wrap around it

  —your hands lose their grasp


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)




The Swinging Door


Cowardice and bravery

Not either-or

But different levels of


Valor and shame

A swinging door

Whose facings change when swung


A foil to confound

The Poets dream

With glory and disdain


Bravery and cowardice

Not zero-sum

  —but often look the same


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2016)