Nikhil Vadher

Passing Time

This is how I pass time,

As time flies by my mind is in its own place,

Just watching people go by,

I stay the same young child that imagines,

The boy with an old soul,

Passing by I see the world move on its axis,

The world orbiting while I stay the same, 

Just watching and observing my people,

Seeing what they do with their lives,

I plan before I co-ordinate a strike and when I do,

It hits the target!

The birds fly by wings broad and span with beauty,

Just as the summer heat springs me to my feet, 

The wind blows along with the trees that shudder and flourish the air with their leaves,

Just another man caught up in the mix nailed to the crucifix,

Wounds heal in time but just let the hours pass by,

Watch the wind shift and the sky colours in time,

See my image as divine,

Like I created the earth I hold this pen to my paper and write my legacy before I fall,

People pass the blunt but I pass the time like I\'m timeless,

Staring into the distance as if I\'m lifeless, 

Fighting my demons in a different world behind my silence,

Wondering if God goes through the same pain like us.....