Fay Slimm.





Stormforce confronts the tail-end
of innocence and carefree
calm hurled away, fire\'s mind-set
lights departure\'s legacy.


Life in the wake of changes acts
out a merciless course,
composure alters as hurtful facts
faced loathe being absorbed.


Scarring of hope exposes wounds
and festers turn raw
as lover\'s lost trust starts to ooze
bile inside heart\'s disorder.


Lies like turbulence cause offence
to trust\'s wiser claim 
and truth strikes hard when sense
perceives their waywardness.


Gathering a last frenzied strength
rage floods thru resistance,
forces entry, flails then quenches
a taste for forgiveness.


Now dry-eyed the lady fights on
safer ground, well-shaken
but wiser and still climbing from
his bitter betrayal.