
What it means to me

it means holding hands and feeling each other 

it means being there for one another 

a kiss that sends butterflies through our bodies causing all problems to fade.

each person becoming the sweet dessert been waiting to serve even before dinner was made.

It also means me having to be okay with letting her go to find something better. 

It means wanting to talk but you can think of one word not even a letter.

having to acknowledge I need to work on my own issues to even be considered to be an option.

until then I will think of you often....

Not only does it mean being there for her but there are others.

all the friends I made my sisters and my brothers. 

On my selfish days I will think of my pain and that’s where I lack.

but when push comes to shove know I have your back.

until the day I die and that’s a fact, I meant that from my heart because when it stops there is No coming back from that.

Things turn to friction when feelings are fictional.

These words are what love means to me I love you forever my shit is unconditional.