Fay Slimm.






I sat one morning in leafy-green oceans
of growing corn
and felt the unknowable alter my senses.

A song of immeasurable beauty caught
my inner core
as stalks shouldered sighs up from depth.


Gowns of fragile filigree silently curled 
as tassels crooned 
while through silver fringes hums crept.

Bodies of spider-blown veins muscled
whispers of lure 
in rustling dew-spotted bulges of webs.


Leaves flicked, bees buzzed a symphony

and air listened

for dawn\'s winged orchestration to begin

its tribute to Spring

as morn\'s breezeless hush started to sing.


With hearable ticks the chorus of nature
birthing growth\'s acres
in speechless glory became so intense.

I stayed convinced one morn after proof
that mute vibrations
become tuned into ears on wonder bent.