
Baalam\'s Oracles - Series (3)

Tune: Duke Street

(\'Fight the good fight\')

Numbers 24 v.5-9


How goodly are your tents, Israel

And your tabernacles, we tell

As the valleys are they spread forth

They shall extend east, west, south, north


And as gardens by river\'s side

And as trees planted they reside

Planted by the LORD they sure be

As aloes* and cedars, see (*a-o-lees)


He shall the water then pour out

Of his* buckets, without a doubt (*i.e Israel)

And his descendants they shall be

In many waters prosperously


And his king shall too higher be

Than was Agag, king of old he

His kingdom shall be exalted

The LORD God led them and them fed


God did bring them from Egypt\'s land

Delivered them by His strong hand

Israel has strength as unicorn* (*e.g. rhino)

Enemies shall be broken, torn


For Israel is as great lion

Who shall then rouse him, any one?

Blesséd are they that do you  bless

Cursed who curses you, we confess