emotional girl


The smell lingers in the air
grey clouds overtake everything in your vision
You feel the need to gasp for air, yet pause with such indecision

You feel the need to breathe
yet know the consequences for that breath
you wont die right away, but its a slow unwanted death

One puff, One blow. That\'s all it takes
one breath away from such a ache
corrupted lungs, due to the addictions around you

impossible to stop, well that\'s how they found you
broken soul, bad mind, battered heart, blown time
oh, if only you knew, what you had to choose.

You choose the stick
it chooses your life
love ones are gone in the blink of an eye

misused breath, chosen over life
your air is now toxic, sharp as a knife
can\'t get back the wasted time

Can\'t steal back the wasted life
Cant give back the breath you stole from others
You can only choose to stop for one another

You give it your life
you give it your time
you give it your hope

Now there\'s nothing left inside
here you are with nothing left
only thing to give, is your last breath

It took your soul
It took your time
Now your there, without a life

Drop the stick
Take your life
choose to live, give up the fight

choose the love, before there is no light
choose to breathe, before you die.