
Led By The Light

Tune: Lux Benigna

(\'Lead, kindly light\')

Based on a Collect - a Formal Prayer


Lighten our darkness, we beseech you, Lord

And by your word

Guide us, for your word it be a lamp sure

And a light pure

Onward each step, trusting where we not know

What lies ahead, but believe good will show


And by your great mercy us do defend

Unto the end

From all perils and dangers of this night

Whate\'er would fright

This do we pray, for love of Christ your Son [Amen]

Our good Shepherd and our redeeming one


Opening our hearts to you, you who know

All hearts full[y] so

Seeking to grow in Christ\'s image each day

And go His way

Empowered by your Spirit, He within

Us, we His temples, He does cleanse from sin


Ever hoping, strengthen our faith in you

To you e\'er view

Comfort and heal where we struggle, downcast

It not e\'er last

Going on by faith, not by things of sight

\'Til dawns the day of everlasting light