
Coma Berenices

First of my kind and perhaps the only that will ever be.

I was once unnoticed, my shining light consumed by the void,

but finally, my sacrifice has been dearly acknowledged

\'Twas an act of true love, aye, as aspects of war are a mighty dividing force

That confined my mind into small spaces and locked away my joy.

Lo, my tresses, which warmed the heart of Venus and rosied her cheeks,

For never has she witnessed devotion and passion this sweet.

My offering has been blessed by divine transcendence

And now I must part with my loving gift, as my sentiments are sincere -

Melancholy is a stranger to my heart - as I glance up and see that you are near,

Yet I still taste the sweet lemon, but vehemently I bid thee farewell – adieu, adieu.