
Hungry for Answers

The uncertainty of life is eating away at me

The hopes of knowing my family is a small chance

Will I ever have hope for a future that makes sense

Will I ever know the truth

Will I ever have something close to normal

Will my thoughts stop repeating

Will I get better

Will I change even more

I don\'t know any of this

The answers are heavy

But anything is better than feeling empty and confused

My bleached white knuckles holding on

One is in the past

And the other trying to grasp my future

Like I am on the edge of a cliff

Trying to get onto another

I am constantly tired

My exhaustion is leading to lost hope

This isn\'t the life I was living

How do I know when I\'ve stopped advancing

I\'m at a brick wall with life

I can turn around

Or I can scrape my hands and climb

I have too little energy to do either

I\'m fading it feels

My life is becoming dull

I\'m feeling empty

And yet I still eat away at myself into further nothingness

Is this the life I will live with and bring into the future

Maybe the answer is better off unknown

But maybe it isn\'t
