
A Great Realization

Moments of despair


Moments of Depression

there comes a time

where all is lost

in both heart and soul

when one seeks for the best

but only receives the worst

what can one human do when is all said

but never done

so when all comes down


all hearts are stringed

so cut them loose and be free

so when one day we are faraway

I\'ll find a stranger with the same colour

going in green with a smile

never to think


never to know

that this person with a golden show

will give the brightest sunshine

that one could think of


Because in the moment of being lost

she gave me light

she gave me a smile

she gave me courage


because the strongest person

is the cowards that decide to show courage

to make others see  them as a hero to look up to


so outta of nowhere to find a beautiful star

that showed their expression of light

to later to become one with their light

showed me a sign


that the sunshine can reach anywhere

if we just find a bright enough smile

find the right soul

to find the right place

because in a night alone

sending clouds of words


You can realize many things

how my eyes got enlighten by the sunshine of this star

So thank you Bee


Because the third chance is always the charm

but in the middle of the night

I realized my luck and fortune

that I\'m not lucky

I\'m happy with my own will